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Reiki praktijk

Practical info




Healingworks  (home practice)

Spaarnoogstraat 51

2031 WC Haarlem


Wellness Dome at Camping de Lakens (in season Apr - Oct)

Zeeweg 60

2051 EC Bloemendaal aan Zee




Energy Healing                               €   85   (60 - 70 min)  

Energy Healing distance healing        €   60   (45 min)         

Energy Healing & Guasha Massage   € 125   (90 -100 min) 



How does it work

Before the start of each session, we get to know eachother briefly and I ask you what I can do for you and what your physical/emotional complaints are. Then you lay down on the treatment table. During a healing you remain fully clothed. I make sure you are comfortable and warm and I invite you to relax. You close your eyes and just let go. How? Just be open to the experience and enjoy the feeling. Usually, one session will already shift things. 


Distance healing

I treat clients from India to Ibiza and from Friesland to Limburg. Energy is not limited by space or time making distance healing possible. During a distance healing you are in a comfortable place in your own home. Allow yourself to rest and to not be disturbed. We will have a video chat before the start. After that I will energetically contact you. People are suprised about the thorough effect this has. Especially because in your own home you are able to fully let go and focus on feeling. 

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